UV and mould protection flag and banner treatment at Flag Studio

Reduces risk of fading due to prolonged periods of exposure to the sun

We use Gtechniq Marine Fabric Coat to treat flags and fabric to be exposed to the sun.

This product provides unrivalled protection for all types of fabrics against mould, mildew, bacteria, microbes and everyday stains. Its ultra-durable water and UV-repellent formula bonds to each individual fibre, leaving the feel and breathability of the fabric completely unchanged and is ideal for re-waterproofing wet weather clothing, sails, awnings and for coating interior fabrics.

This product is based on environmentally friendly technology and contains no fluorocarbons.

Send your flag to us and we will treat your flag and send it back to you. The process takes about 48 hours - time to allow the spray treatment to dry completely before packing and shipping your flag back to you.

On receipt of your order we will confirm the address to send your flag to - please remember to include a paper copy of your order.

The manufacturer is responsible for the efficacy of this product and in support of this we mirror what they offer as well as the stitched-in label and/or certificate stating the date of the treatment (following those guidelines). We assume that maintenance by the product user may involve some element of respray as and when.

We work old school …..and spray the fabric in a clean ventilated space by hand. We check for coverage with UV lighting and all fabrics are airdried before being packed and shipped.

Please note we have listed prices for three fabric size options. If your requirements do not fit these, please email us for a no obligation quote at flagstudiodesign@gmail.com.

Click here to view the Gtechniq Marine Fabric Coat PRODUCT DATA SHEET

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