Working with Cornelia Parker on 'Island' a flag making movie for TATE – Flag Studio

Working with Cornelia Parker on 'Island' a flag making movie for TATE Modern

Making the Union flag. In reverse:  a video collaboration between Flag Studio and Cornelia Parker for TATE Modern 2022

"She [Cornelia Parker] has created a pair of new pieces for the Tate Britain show: a video called “Flag,” which shows the manufacturing of a British flag in a factory, but in reverse, and a new installation, called “Island.” In that work, a greenhouse daubed with paint made of chalk from the White Cliffs of Dover stands on Victorian tiles salvaged from the Palace of Westminster." *source: The Strange, Still World of Cornelia Parker - The New York Times ("

Here we share pictures taken in our workshop during the making of the Cornelia Parker film 'Island'.

Cornelia Parker at Flag Studio making 'Island' film for Tate ModernCornelia Parker at TATE Modern Union flag being made by Flag StudioCornelia Parker and film crew at Flag Studio filming the making of a Union flag for 'Island' at the Tate ModernMaking a Union flag for Cornelia Parker TATE Modern exhibition by Flag Studio

Click to view a brief video we filmed ourselves when attending the opening of the installation and exhibition. 

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